Instytut Fizyki

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Czwartkowe Kolokwium Fizyczne

Niebieski tekst

Już 25 kwietnia 2024 roku o godz. 12:30 w Audytorium Aleksandra Jabłońskiego dr hab. Krzysztof Jachymski (Uniwersytet Warszawski) wygłosi wykład pt. "Quantum magnetism meets cavity QED".

Light-matter interactions are fundamental for both studying and controlling quantum materials. A particular example is the quantum battery which couples multiple charge units coherently to a cavity. With the cavity-enhanced light-matter interactions, the electrons and photons can form polariton states. A paradigmatic model for light-matter interaction is the Dicke model, which exhibits a transition between the normal and superradiant phases. A natural progression is to combine the Dicke model with interacting spin models. We investigate a family of spin models with increasing complexity. Leveraging the variational non-Gaussian exact diagonalization (NGSED) method, we show that quantum light can induce strong effects on the phase diagram of the spin system.

Organizatorem Kolokwium Czwartkowego jest Instytut Fizyki UMK w Toruniu.

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